After much pondering, I have already made a few pricier, albeit necessary, things into my wardrobe and I can honestly say that, yes, the quality is there. My North Face Denali and UGGs are two of my winter staples and most worn things in my closet. It also makes the hit on my wallet a little easier knowing that I can get away with wearing children's sized clothing.
What really made me think about this post was that today I purchased my third investment piece: good quality rain/snow boots. Sure, the ones I have now work in that they keep my feet dry, but they are really uncomfortable, stiff, and don't fit exactly right. Oh, and they make my feet super cold - definitely not good in the snowy weather. So today, my wallet took another hit with the purchase of a pair of UGG Buttes for $93, down from the original $170 (pat on the back for saving some money, LAG)
Yeah, I'm really excited to get them in. Future things I want to get before I graduate are (and the list will be modified and checked as things go along - hopefully)
- A nice pair of dark wash jeans
- Ann Taylor Perfect Leather Pumps
- Great fitting dress pants
- THE little black dress
- Theory suit jacket
- A durable pair of riding boots that actually fit my calves